Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Remember when IL listed the top 5 star recruits in the class of '23 and their birthdays.
No. Who would take the time to stress over this.

There is nothing magical about Sept 1st. It's an arbitrary date. The idea that age is the sole determinant of skill is incredibly lazy. Nothing is that black and white, including the reasons kids are "held back" in school.

Maybe you should track down their height and weight, and the age they hit puberty. What was their diet and exercise routine? How many hours of private lessons? So many data points are missing.

Thanks Holdback apologist , Point is clear, Holdback works and if you want to play D1 , you are foolish to not hold your son back. Frankly, I wouldnt blame anyone that did as that seems to be the main way to compete at this time. It is also pretty sad that only 3 players on that list are on age. It says a lot about lacrosse.