Originally Posted by Anonymous
Everything up until 10th grade is a money grab. But….if your kid wants to play more, or get some experience with tryouts and showcases. Then there is some benefit. Just because you make a team as a 7th grader. Doesn’t mean they’ll make it as a sophomore.

Totally agree. My daughter went through all of it and we got [Censored] in too early! Spent a lot of extra money! Use your money for training and getting better. Choose events that include lots of training as part of the event! Not just games.

Make it so the talent/skills are undeniable by 8th/9th grade. Then she should be “playing “ on the best 8th grade club team for her talent level possible. Start worrying about those recruiting events 9th grade on. NO one is looking at any 8th graders anymore! The 9th and 10th grade fall/summer events are the most important as far as recruiting goes.