Originally Posted by Anonymous
First kid playing lax and had the same questions about excelsior games and American select. Seems like money grab since the girls are not close to their recruiting years. However parents on my daughters team are talking about if you don’t get on the teams now then you will be shut out of 3-4 years where it is important to be seen.

I’m conflicted on what to do because of money, time, etc.

The parents of your daughter’s team are more in tune with things than the other commenters here will let on. Participating in these camps/showcases/clinics/events now definitely fastracks your kid for future endeavors and gets her recognition sooner than later. For example: if you played in Players Open this year, you save the application fee and process next year. And your name is already on file with the Wink endeavors associated with LILJ, Excelsior, etc.