Crabs hasn’t had a 2029 team for a few years (imploded by coaching issues a few years ago…refer to previous posts) and they needed representation at their tournaments. Some players LTLC added were some previous crabs 2029 players. LTLC will play in hoco and a few tournaments. Crabs will represent in other crabs tournaments. In 8th grade it will just be Crabs only. All it takes is a few searches to figure it out. LTLC ends in 8th grade if they can field teams. Bang for your buck in getting started early in youth lacrosse LTLC is a great program. As players get older depending on the team, the competition and play is better at some pay to play club levels. The LTLC program has a storied lineage of great players including Kyle Harrison, Ryan Conrad, McCabe Millon, Kelly Boys, and many more. 3, 2, 1, queue the “make yourself feel better comments” because we all know what is expected at the BOTC board.