Originally Posted by Anonymous
Per the tryout prep I think you'll find that's different across the clubs. Part of the issue is how multi-sport the athletes are so you may not even be able to get your team together and where can you. We're in AA county which is really limited for indoor facilities. Literally people drive across the bay bridge for one and just a couple that I'm aware of. Good time to talk to coaches to say "hey what's my areas to get better?". If you think you're fast, time yourself in gear, running that 20, 40, 60 yards. Line up a goal in front of another goal. can you shoot where you want to? If you arne't doing as well on your own, you aren't going to suddenly look better at tryouts. My 2 cents, good luck.

My son's club (HoCo elite level last year) has done basically nothing for tryout prep. I don't think there was a huge demand for it with most kids doing extensive work with their HS teams already and playing other sports.