Originally Posted by Anonymous
I had a daughter that played both AS and Excelsior and I coached a team for one of them the following year. Both are great events. Both will give your daughter the opportunity to get a bunch of exposure. I would say that the amount of college coaches in attendance the year that I attended both (2022) was absolutely comparable and I wouldn't say that either is better than the other.

For what it's worth, my daughter was recruited directly from the Excelsior games by the Division 1 school that she eventually committed to.

Having been through the process once as a parent and dozens of times over the years as a coach, I will tell you this... every kid's journey is absolutely different. Don't take what you read on here to be the absolute blueprint for your daughter's success. If she loves the game and wants to tryout for both, do it. If she makes both and if the money is there, have her play both. If she doesn't make either one, that'll be OK too and things will work out.

Well said.