Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I hope your son has benefited from being held back, I really do. Is there anything wrong w/ being held back for school but playing lax on-age? Size doesn’t make a player; I’ve seen plenty of studs, in all sports, that are not big.
If you held your son back b/c of a learning disability, that shouldn’t impact which age group he plays sports against.
Do the girls forum complain this much? Tired of hearing about it. Give the parents and teams the credit they deserve. For every 100 holdbacks, 5-6 make a difference. If a TEAM can’t stop 1 or 2 players, they are not a good team. At this age just shut up and watch your kid play.

If you had a girl you would know, most are done maturing and growing by end of 8th grade. It is also on a lesser scale the amount, but growing.

If you think it isnt a big issue with boys, you need to look around. Most elite players from all over country are either held back now, or on the older birthday for on age . There are a very minimum of elite players on age born between May and August. Pretty sad they cant compete unless heldback.

The best rule change change would be to do away with grades in youth and put birthday for holdbacks like May , but let anyone play that is born on that date, not just holdbacks. That gives holdbacks a chance to play with schoolmates and anyone else that wants to. Seems fair .