Not one of the prior posters.

Agree there is no need to criticize a club's younger team's, but it is a little rich to have Sky Walkers folks suggest that the long post above was out of bounds compared with the constant attacks on Coppermine, especially from Sky Walkers guy who constantly suggests that top players from Coppermine, MDU, and Crush will go to Sky Walkers in high school for recruiting if they want to have any chance of getting any offers.

Look, what's happening here is a normal process. It is natural for new entrants to rise and overtake existing leaders in any industry, with a good strategy, enhanced resources, access to fields and prime locations, etc. It isn't personal, it's healthy innovation and competition.

And agree with the long poster that Baltimore/MD lacrosse leadership is important. Rooting for other MD clubs to be strong compared to other regions makes a ton of sense. Like wanting the SEC or Big Ten champ to win the national title to show you play in the best league.