Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Now that everyone has a couple of games under their belts, how is it looking? According to W-L record, Hero’s looks like the top of the class but how are the new additions helping?
Anybody else looking good?

Don't know Hero's parent...you tell us.

Just fine thank you… no real competition all fall outside of M&D who improved but still came up short

The person above says it best, keep dreaming M&D dad. It often looks like this whole forum is purely M&D parents trying to create their own narrative. What is the point of reading this anymore? Everyone else knows that M&D did not improve at all. The chatter is about how much they fell even just from last year so the only people who could be writing these comments are M&D parents about themselves, trying to make it look like conversations between competitors to cover up their shortcomings. Let’s all hope that the 2029 M&D team can one day live up to the club’s reputation but so far we haven’t seen it and if you consider their performance at recent tournaments it seems to be slipping further and further from their grasp.

That said, there are other teams hot on the heels of Heros and Coppermine gaurentering an exciting spring season.