Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Supreme ML is going to have trouble finding players if their history of national teams is any indication. While BOTC liked to beat up on ML for flying in players the rhetoric was completely overblown at least in re to the 2028s. There was typically only 1 to 4 players at the summer events. Sometimes there were zero. The traditional ML national team was made up of 85-90% CAP players. Several sets of ML CAP parents -- across multiple age groups -- have told me there is no way they are doing Supremes. First, the schedule is insane. Vegas in December, FL and CA x2 in January and then the Vail tournament again (which CM got kicked out of last summer for fighting a ref). That's a long way of saying if a large percentage of the CAP players don't buy into it, they aren't going to have teams. While there are several regular solid flyins, I can only think of 1 that will probably continue to play for ML on the 28s. The tension and team meltdown has turned everybody off. Of course, they could probably get some players, but the quality players won't be there as they are already committed elsewhere.

There's your daily dose of ML drama for Friday.
are the Supremes part of the Circuit?
and please forgive me for an uninformed question, but what exactly is the Circuit and how is that different than other national tournaments?
Supremes are not part of the Circuit. The kids that Cabell might be able to get to play are all too old. Circuit allows 3 kids born before May 31, 2009.

The Mojo’s are the local team playing circuit. Lot of NL kids, plus a few from other various clubs around here who are looking for more action. Not sure, but I think it hatched out of a Landon School crew. But it’s definitely run by NL, and Cabell threatened his players who considered doing it. When he realized that a few of his better players (not just 2028, but also 2029 and 2030) were prepared to tell him to pound it, he rolled over and said it’s Ok. But it’s not Ok with him. He’s a control freak. Anything not Cabell Maddux is [Censored] according to the King of Hubris himself.