Originally Posted by Anonymous
Are kids really announcing where they are going to HS on instagram?

I'm embarrassed for him. Real life is going to set it hard for him.

OK Public School Dad. Lots of the DC and MD boys from Elite down to HoCo B will be - and should be - proud of where their hard work was able to get them admitted. Some of these schools admit less than 20% for 9th grade, some admit *double digits* of new students, only 1/3 or 1/2 of whom even play lax. In Maryland particularly, the school affiliation tracks with the boys through their early careers....if not longer.

If your son managed to rock a 3.8 through 8th grade and play 3 sports and survive the admissions interviews and write a coherent essay, then I'm proud of him, even if he costs my son a spot. Sure, a few sons-of-donors and other kids will squeak in, but generally it's a rare piece of modern meritocracy.

If you land in a good HS (including publics with an admissions process), good job parents and good job kid.