Originally Posted by Anonymous
Regarding the Express rumor….”top kid going to Rebels to play with brother” is 100% false…yes a kid left for Rebels but he never saw the field on Chucks which is why he left-good move. Regarding top players going to Venom-1 good defender but Chucks replaced with an even better pole so no loss….the two attackers that went to venom were averaging 0-1 goals PER TOURNAMENT so no loss there either. Chucks picked up 2 Venom players and a few Lumberjacks so it will be interesting to see a Chucks/Venom match up this fall after all the dust settles.

Chucks picked up 2 PIA/obnoxious parents so will see if that changes the dynamic of the team at all!

“Wow, Remember when the boys were in 8th grade and the 2 LI teams played each other?”said noone, ever. Your sidelines must be so fun - filled with paranoid parents critiquing and criticizing everyone else’s kids. Are Express really running 50 out there for 2 teams? Will lineups be set or fluid? Do people know which team they are on, or is that how they get 50 - by dangling the elusive spot on Chucks each week. “Getting on the field won’t happen but Joey can be proud to watch the boys who do play and jump on them at the end.”
LIE for life.