Interesting synopsis. All valid points that make a lot of sense to me. You definitely see the NY, MA, Conn, and CO teams getting stronger in HS. I think skywalkers is trying to get top players to come over, but not sure how successful they will be. They are struggling, however They do seem to have the ability to get out of state players to join. Not sure if they can rest on their historical HS success or not. Crush will be an interesting outlier because their strength and desire to continue on is unique to the 28 year. MDU seemed to have a really good thing going that was sustainable through HS, but the player loses this year will probably cause the downhill slide. M&D will continue to add talent has HS nears Md be competitive their name helps in this aspect. Hero’s benefitted for some early additions a couple of years ago and that has helped them attract others. Coppermine is stacked with talent and will continue to dominate unless they somehow self implode.