Originally Posted by Anonymous
How did Hawks tryouts shake out? Expect much to stay the same with limited changes.

FCA finishes up tonite. Expect only a handful of changes max.

Makes sense as those are the two most stable teams.

Crabs cut half the team and is starting anew.

91 tryouts end up this weekend and will be packed with kids who didn’t make Hawks, Crabs and FCA.

DCE doesn’t seem to have taken off like expected.

Have heard from a parent on Hawks that there weren't any true standout new players but they expect a few new kids.

Have heard from a Crabs parent that the coach said something along the lines of "If your kid is good but small we aren't taking him". Pretty ugly IMO. We've all seen the Crabs only play 12 players a game for years so maybe this will give them more players who see the field.

FCA - Getting new goalies and at least 1 FCA 27 otherwise, no idea

91 - I'd set the over/under on roster size at 30, prove me wrong

DCE - From the outside it seems like it would be a great landing spot.

I hope the kids, and (unfortunately) more importantly the parents are all happy with their new teams. I know my kid is ready to put down the stick.