Originally Posted by Anonymous
Crabs does not have a 29 team. That is my LTLC is in the discussion. They have a team at every other level.

Not sure why we are talking about 2029 teams in the 2031 discussion, but Crabs 100% has a 2029 team. The LTLC 2029 team, which has been a competitive team, is migrating over to Crabs 2029 this year. They will be playing in HOCO as LTLC, but tournaments as Crabs 2029......specifically so that they can play in the crabs events (Crabsfeast, NLF Championship, etc.). They are actually playing in both of these events this summer. Guessing there will be some turnover (cuts and people who don't want what Crabs offers) and then some who are excited about more commitment, better coaches, etc.