Originally Posted by Anonymous
To the person saying it’s misinformation you are correct he is a 2029 by graduation year but a 28 by birth year. You can go back and forth about this and yes you are right according to the rules for now. This is not a question about who the player is and his integrity. He is just a pawn in the silly games the adults play. As the poster above stated he is a good kid. I don’t know him from the next kid. Hopefully age verification fixes the issue and puts a huge dent in coaches and parents being able to flex their muscles on a kids behalf. Remember they are young kids what ever age they are, that can barely remember to brush their teeth in the morning. SMH

This age thing will not last. Mark my words. Insurance will be soon for Garde based leagues and tournaments. Heard it her first. Just to much need for it from private school players and their parents