Originally Posted by Anonymous
Another Madlax parent here. Our family was happy not to have to sit in the car for a 5 hour game delay in the heat, after being on the field since 8AM. Hoganlax should have rescheduled. Weather forecast clearly indicated thunderstorms till 6pm. Instead, they asked everyone to sit in cars with every 30 minute updates. Glad our coach made the decision to send us home. For parents who decided to stay on the field for 11 hours and then have their kid play, more power to you!
You quit. Plain and simple. Red Hots were there all day too. That’s what happens at summer lacrosse tournaments, you dea with weather delays and be ready to go. This was the SEMI-FINALS of a big event. Glad you went home and got a good night’s sleep. At the expense of the integrity of sport.