Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
You all do realize that once your kid is in high school, he will be playing with kids one, two, maybe even three years older than him, right? Get used to it. Stop crying. Or stop playing the sport. End of story.
-signed a parent of an on age kid who played against holdbacks for years and was better for it by high school.

You do realize they aren't in HS. That's like saying "you do realize that kids will be 21 at some point".

-Signed, we all know your signature about being an "on-age" parent is a lie.

Hilarious what these hold back parents say or do. I have never heard a hold back parent talk about their childs age at a tournament. Its hush hush,,,They know it is wrong and frankly like many MIAA parents, want their child to have an advantage no matter what it is. Pretty simple.

At the HS level, when the kid is on the field, the MIAA parents will openly discuss it. But never, ever until 9th grade. They will answer with any obtuse answer they can find to simple questions about "Oh it's his birthday today? How old is he?" Or "Do the parents in your part of PA usually start schooling a year later?"

And IMHO parents are trying to get their last Ten Bucks out of their holdback schemes this summer, so don't blow a gasket over it. Last weekend at a low level event (which makes it sadder), I saw a 2028 holdback (on-age 2027) playing on a 2029 team as a guest player. Recognized his dad and had to work to keep a straight face. Kid has a seriously impressive mustache, and playing with 6th graders at an Aloha level event.....should be starting 9th grade in 60 days. I love to see it! Go Dad!!!