Holdbacks are lame unless it’s based on developmental issues, in which case hopefully it paid off. If it was for hopes and dreams in the lax world, shame on you.
Reclass is even worse because at some point you realized something. It’s basically admitting your child has to repeat a year of school to stand out or even compete. I wonder how that conversation went in your brain or with your significant other. I’m sorry that you had to take advantage of the system in order to make a good highlight video for your son. For all the people who chime in on here and try to minimize or attack the parents who have issue with your decisions, please consider the following. Your child can not compete or stand out on age. It’s laughable that you had to make him repeat a year of school to compensate. And the worst part of the argument is your typical lame response. “Find another sport because that is lacrosse and how it is currently run” or some nonsense like that. My response….find another sport because your child is NOT GOOD ENOUGH TO COMPETE WITH KIDS HIS OWN AGE. Pathetic!!
It’s pretty cringeworthy to 90% of the parents of children who play lacrosse. Change is coming.