Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I don't care about the US Club lax rankings. These are the real top teams in the country, not in any order:

Annapolis Hawks
91 Venom
Philly Freedom
Express North
Rhino ATL
Texas Nationals
Red Hots National
JM3 National
True National
Sweetlax Navy
Mad Dog West Elite
You can throw out the National Teams. That is a joke! Some of these kids rotate between 4 of these teams when they are available.

Yea the national teams do not count in my eyes either. Neither do teams who consist of a roster of 14 year olds playing in 7th grade. It’s a joke. If you take out those I mentioned you are left with one team and one team only. 91 venom. Facts. Not disputable either.

Like it or not, this is where youth lax is, and where it's heading. When you start eliminating the National Teams, Holdback Teams, Late-Start Kindergarten Holdback Teams, Fake Local Teams with out of state Fly-Ins/Drive-Ins, and teams whose directors intentionally jig the rankings (Maddux, Millon, Higher level Rec Clubs, others), you will see most of these teams drop away. By itself, if you counted out the New England teams whose 2027s "haven't held back yet but still playing on 2028s anyway" that's several top teams right there.

But that's not real life, or how the sport is played. So.....move along.

And good lord, get ready for 9th grade, where if the coach meets a kid better than your kid who lives 1000 miles away, guess what, the new kid gets that spot all of a sudden in February. No HoCo or MYLA to tie them down to. Move along.

From, an anti-holdback dad who has more important things to worry about.

Yes there are much more important things to worry about. I just had to point out what everyone knows. Especially since the list was written by some Maryland holdback parent or a parent of a player that shuffles around on a national team or two.