Originally Posted by Anonymous
As a neutral party here, it’s really comical to watch this conversation unfold. On one hand, people say this is the best league in the country. On the other, people say holdbacks, fly ins are ruining the league. Then you have others bashing national programs, non MD,DC,VA players participating. Reeks of NIMBYism.

Listen, times change and situations are fluid. If ANY of you think any of these clubs are doing things “the right way” or “by the book” then you are naive. Some have to do things in order to level the playing field and they’ll have to decide if the juice is worth the squeeze on that one. The fact that some come here to pontificate about moral obligation to keep things on the up and up, that’s your choice and you are screaming into the abyss on that one. No one is doing it by the book, I can promise you that much. I feel a lot of detest is being spewed because a national brand is now in the race and the Good ‘Ole boys club is upset.

It makes the competition great and I think that’s what everyone is after. Let’s continue to push this league to maintain the reputation of the best competition in the country.

Listen, my kid enjoys playing, but will likely never play at an elite level and that’s ok. I love that he is excited to play against kids from Illinois, Bethesda, or wherever. If they are good enough, then what does it matter what zip code they are in. Take your own bias out of the equation and think wouldn’t I want my kid to play against the best competition, or are you just trying to bulldoze the situation to control the conversation at the donors party?

nobody who reads and posts on this board is neutral. just saying.