Originally Posted by Anonymous
You need to settle down. The term "elite" is thrown around WAAAAAY too much in lacrosse. You wrongly assume lacrosse players -- including in college D1 programs -- are actually "elite" athletes. GMAFB. You may have just a handful of truly elite athletes in lacrosse, period....like a few (ala Pat Spencer...and even he hasn't cracked an NBA roster). If you want to see elite athletes at the 7th and 8th grade level check out the catholic track and field leagues or some of the better basketball programs around the DMV. Club lacrosse, which costs 10s of thousands a year to play, is hardly spreading the net wide for "elite" players.

Your post is beyond laughable. Enjoy your country club cocktail.

Somebody accidentally doubled up his Extenze and Monter Mocha cocktails. WOW.