Originally Posted by Anonymous
Dude. If they are unhappy at 91 they can leave and take ylj spots. You don’t think kids leave clubs and move and can take other kids spots. Full or not? In a hot second. No one is panicking. Maybe ylj parents should. And you should rethink your strategy. Bc unless your kid is top 2 on a team you are at risk. Actually anyone can be replaced if the talent is better. Coaches don’t care if you have been there since you are 7.

I generally don't take words of wisdom about girls lacrosse from people who can't figure out how to abbreviate Yellow Jackets or Long Island Yellow Jackets as YJ or LIYJ, nor from people that didn't attend YJ tryouts this summer where they could have seen a herd of 91 backpacks leave the parking lot where they never returned (with the exception of maybe one). As CR opens up C level teams, a few will migrate over to YJ from teams with no recruitment opportunities- that much is historically accurate, but it's not saying anything about 91 as a program. It says more about YJ/CR's money grab to pick up those that jump ship from dead-end programs. There's a few good players in most programs. And 91 2029 is actually a good team. But they must get their act together.