Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
With all of this nonstop chatter about the MD holdback model and why it’s so good, I just wondered what your objective thoughts are on teams that have none and compete and succeed against teams that are 95% holdbacks. Please don’t respond with the canned holdback parent cliche about how they don’t exist. They do exist and they have always existed. Birthdates are listed in the IL database, so your standard denial response isn’t going to cut it. Seriously. What do you make of it? Maybe the whole holdback loop hole/deception game isn’t the right way to go after all?

I agree. It really doesn't make a difference so why do you keep talking about it?

It doesn't make a difference until U-16.
Prior to that it makes a massive difference...Stop lying to yourself that it doesn't matter.
This is why no one cares about holdbacks once they are older.

Also, what teams specifically have zero holdbacks?