Originally Posted by Anonymous
Madlax 2028 is a joke. I'm sure some of the players are good, but as a team, it's a farce run by a clown. They lost horribly in the fall and then retroactively changed their team name from Madlax Capital to "Madlax Monuments" so as to preserve their "Madlax Capital" rankings for the summer season. Lol. What other teams do this? Complete class. Take your lumps and get better...don't just cowardly work the system and change your name retroactively. And all the tournament owners/directors (including Madlax) allow it to happen. It's pathetic, comical and cowardly.

Not to mention the coach gives high fives to his players after they injure the other team leading to 2 min penalties, etc.


High fiving a player after injuring an opponent is beyond the pale. I hadn't heard that one yet. details?