Originally Posted by Anonymous
Now we know you are a troll. Never talk about it, kid is super young, starter, elite…. Your kid is a march 2008 birthday and you are playing out the string hoping for no age changes before your kid hits high school.

Been following these comments and I agree. For reference my kid plays (not starter) on-age elite, and freelances with non-elite "AAA" or whatever teams a year up....tournaments, box etc. He is mentally mature....for his age...but after all he is 13.

And yes we talk about holdbacks. When a double holdback boarded him with a cross check to the back of the head in box, resulting in a concussion, we talked about it. When he took a full speed cross check to the neck from a holdback, while my kid was playing up a year, causing the refs to clear the field, yes, of course we talked about what that all meant. What a weird flex to be all, "Oh we have never really talked about holdbacks." What?

There are very few kids playing up consistently after 7th grade and I could name several who played up through 6th, and no longer play lax at all. The idea that a kid, unknown to anyone, is playing up 2 years at elite, and is a starter (meaning, he's already starting against holdbacks 3 years older than him) is laughable.