My kid is a starter on a top 10 team in the country and is on-age.

It sounds like every team in the top 10 has older kids. My kid's team has 2-3 kids. Maybe Venom is the only exception?

Can we just acknowledge the top 10 is the wild west - hold backs, guest players, kids that aren't quite holdbacks yet but plan to? Who cares?

Those older kids have an advantage now, but when everyone hits puberty the table gets leveled. Meanwhile the younger kids that have to face the older kids are forced to develop their skills to compete as opposed to relying on superior size/athleticism.

Either way I want my kid playing against the best '28's in the country. I don't care how old they are or where they live. In HS my kid will be competing against them for college attention anyhow . . . and in the meantime they're making my kid better.