Originally Posted by Anonymous
As the HS season is coming to an end, let's start talking about club lax!

How about True Lacrosse is jumping into the Westchester pool of programs. After clicking on the IG link, it seems that the Pride Lacrosse Club been re-branded as True Lacrosse.

The 2023's are in their last days of club lax.

Let's start talking about the 2024 teams.

True is an interesting move in to the region.If anything it will eat in to the B teams (Pride, 91TS, Express B-Z teams, Preds left overs.) Theyre not going to compete with PT, Eclipse or 2way.

24's pecking order:

1- Eclipse
2- Primetime


3- 2Way (though this is mostly a 2023 team now)
4- Express North Black (the rest of the teams fall in to the All the Rest category)


5- All the rest