Originally Posted by Anonymous
What is the playoff tiebreaker? Could be 3 schools for last two spots....

Here's my post season prognostication: 1) BL, 2) SM, 3) CHC vs 6) Severn, who backs in despite several bad losses down the stretch and 4) Spalding, who seems to be resurgent vs 5) MCD, who backs in after taking a swan dive mid season. CHC kills Severn and the Spalding MCD game is a pick em. CHC then beats SM by 2-3 goals as does BL to the winner of the Spalding McD game. CHC then loses to BL in the finals by 2-3 primarily because they have a better goalkeeper. All is right with the world in that the title rests on LaSalle. Other first round changes would follow with the following upsets: Gilman over McD, SP win over SP and/or a Severn win over SM.