Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The issue is more about kids in the same grade that are 1 to 2 years older than the other kids for whatever reason. Then comes the Varsity issue where you have multiple grades competing for the same spots. It just results in some perpetual unfairness to some kids.
There is no issue, you're just making excuses and giving your kids the wring message that somehow it's unfair. Some freshman are good enough to play varsity, would you complain about that too?

Maybe you are giving your the kid the wrong message!?. Maybe the people in charge of the sport are giving the kids the wrong message!? Making it ok to game the system by holding back 1 and 2 years and now in some cases 3! Where does it stop!? Why don’t they stop the holdback nonsense and have the kids play on age during the youth years and developing years !!! That Would be the right message. Not gaming the system starting in Kindergarten! Ridiculous. Holding back specifically to get an edge in the sport should not be allowed. Not fair to Public school kids or people without the financial means for private schools to allow this obvious “elitist” advantage!!! And, the sport wants to try and be more inclusive??? Miserably failing at that and going the other direction. Pathetic! Who’s sending the wrong message to our kids? Buying advantages for your kids? Giving them extra time fur development? Hmmmmm