Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Not sure why you jumped down this guys throat. He is asking a legit question. If stats don’t matter why does everyone cite them? Not sure who pissed in your coffee to get so agitated about someone’s legitimate question. Is this what forums are for you to rip someone and then high five your buddy in the cubicle next to you?

It's a silly question, you know it. Stats don't matter, it's been proven numerous times. Recruiters don't look at Newsday, they see what they want on the field. Stats are for guys like you to show everyone at work what a stud your kid is. But maybe if you keep patting that guy on the back he'll take you out for a nice steak dinner. Just be careful of what he wants in return there skippy.

I'm a union dock builder. Today at work there was a guy doing just that at work. Trying to portray how much of a stud lacrosse player his son is. Well, after 3 minutes of his bosting, and predicting where and what his kid is going to do for a living in front of 5 other guys, I felt so sorry for this guy for opening his mouth. Guy talks to me all day long about how great his kid is. My kid is an average middle school player, mostly playing the game for fun. Some parents are just so over the top with their MDLax and fail to realize no one outside of their circle CARES about someone's kid playing lacrosse.