Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
“Madlax 2028 is easily older than 85% of 2027 teams across the county.“


You MD lifers get so caught up in Maryland stuff. East coast ride or die. I appreciate it. And I don't like Madlax.

But if you have seen most 2027s play across the country, you would know that the Madlax 2028 squad could beat 2/3 of them easily. In most of the country, there aren't even really club tryouts. They need numbers to run a team with the few good players they have.

In most of the country where there ARE club tryouts, they either happen in January (spring season) or April (looking for tournament players).

Imagine a bunch of teams where 1 player goes D2 or D3, that's it. That's most of American middle school lacrosse. And that's why the Midwest (and maybe now the southeast?) loves True, with its long complicated list of regional teams, state teams, national team 1, 2, and 3, etc.