Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Alyssa Cometti is the person that evaluated the event. I believe she may of only watched half a game of each team live but all games were recorded. Also not all the ranked players played in the event.

Most coaches will tell you it doesn’t take them very long to evaluate a players athleticism and ability. The coaches, especially the ones from the better programs can tell in less than a minute.

If they are deciding on a recruit in a minute, then that fully explains how so many kids get overlooked and why so many kids who are hyped fizzle out. Yes they do get some right.

They get some right?? They get a lot more than some right, they get most right.

No coach gets all of their top recruits, not UNC, not BC, Not MD, not Northwestern, not Princeton, not ND, not Stanford, not UVA, not Florida, not Penn, not Syracuse. No Coach gets all of their top ranked/prioritized recruits. However, collectively they do not miss many. Do you actually believe that there are a lot of players who slip through the cracks and get overlooked? It doesn’t happen very often.

I believe this to be true. I also agree that the college coaches do an excellent job identifying talent and very little of the talented players fall through the cracks in recruiting. On the flip side, there are definitely players that slip through the cracks during the travel lacrosse, lead into college process as it pertains to these rankings, lists etc.... Contrary to what many people believe, the "select teams" and "select lists" etc... that exist in every state, every region and nationally, are extremely political. You have so many coaches, directors, parents etc... pushing agendas, pulling favors, swinging power. So many people, so heavily and overly involved in the selection process for these things. Yet, for the most part the lists, teams, do reflect most of the best players. But this is where you will see some players fall through the cracks, but luckily it really doesn't matter because it is a system of checks and balances, so long as a player is recognized in recruiting. And yes, there are also a few players that get hyped up because of the "lists" and "teams" pushed through or over-inflated from the politics.

This. There are definitely awesome players that slip through the cracks. Which is understandable. These rankings are never meant to be perfect. no ranking ever is in anything. What annoys me is this constant annoying narrative from some parents that cry and call IL's rankings trash or garbage or meaningless because their daughter wasn't ranked. Then they point to a few rare cases where an underrated player rose to stardom and use that as justification but ignore all the highly ranked players who are constantly running and dominating D1 college lacrosse as solid to star players in their respective programs. which is the case 90% of time.