Originally Posted by paswag
Well what do you know, i started a topic back in April regarding PA lacrosse vs LI and MD when Lasalle toppled Garden City. Took some bashing over that. Now HHH right out of Chester County PA knocks off the Tenacious Turtles 6-3...ouch. Same week Matt Rambo drops 8 and gets MVP of the Underarmour All American game. We have arrived.
Not sure that a single game in a single age group along with an MVP in an All-Star tournament means that Pennsylvania Lacrosse has achieved national recognition along side Long Island and Maryland, however it does point to the fact that the cocoon that these two hotbeds have exclusively enjoyed over the last two decades is beginning to erode.

The easy path to showcase success will become more competitive as other Northeast Regions, including Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, continue to build out their programs and attract athletes into the sport.