Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Playing for ....

YJ is like driving for a Formula1 racing team

Liberty is like driving at Riverhead Raceway

Elevate is like racing a GoKart at ActionPark

Being a parent for....

an Elevate player your likely happy, well adjusted and well liked in the lacrosse community.

a Liberty player your likely competitive, good spirited and again well liked in the lacrosse community.

a YJ player your likely angry, ill willed, arogant, and a screaming idiot on the sidelines , and disliked for your behavior on and off the fields by the rest of the lacrosse community (look to your post above for evidence of this).

Don't always assume all derogatory post's are from a yellow jacket parent ,if you are on this site you know there are a lot of spit stirrers.