Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
So, the troll on there who keeps trying to knock Stanford - you're so relentless with your negativity it strikes me that 1 of 2 things is happening here. Either:
1) your daughter wanted to go to Stanford but didn't have the academics and got dropped (which makes sense because you can't spell or use correct grammar)
or 2) Stanford coaches ignored your kid and it's hurting your ego

I'm a HS coach (different sport) and this kind of toxic stuff is rampant among jealous parents. Believe me, it trickles down to kids' behavior as well, so do your daughter a favor and focus on something else! Stop embarassing yourself.

Lol, love when people change the subject without answering the question! Stanford is still a better academic school than most, but dropping out of the top 5 was surprising. Just as surprising as them not actively recruiting the best players if they want to improve their program. Many top players that I know cancelled their visits because they were offered elsewhere first. Poor recruiting tactics, and they're not the only school guilty.

Maybe, just maybe, said Top Players do not have the grades or their parents do not have or want to spend the $$ flying out west to see their daughter play. Maybe the player or the parents just want to be closer to home. Who knows but please stop with trying to diminish Stanford or their Lacrosse Program, If you spouted your nonsense publicly you would be laughed out of the room. No dog in the fight but does being ranked 5 or 6 or 10 really matter that much? Stanford is an elite university with a very competitive lacrosse program, I'm sure they will not miss the players who cancelled their visits.