Originally Posted by Anonymous
We had a coach give a week timeline. My daughter asked for more time and was told no bc the coach was worried about the next tier starting commit if they waited. A respectable reason but the next class there weren’t as harsh timelines.
You don’t want to lose offers but there’s enough interest your daughter should be fine with a coach rescinding. However if the school you’re worried about is one of your daughters top 3, then she needs to have a good conversation with that coach.
Early recruiting had it’s flaws but not one coach pressured my kid. She was also too young to know what she wanted in 9th grade and ended up having to wait until September 1 as a 2020
IMHO if a coach really wants your daughter—they will wait.

Why would a coach wait?

Coaches want players who want to go to the school and play for them.

Unless your daughter is a real phenom there are hundreds of similar players the coach talk to.

Don’t commit to a school that you are not comfortable with but don’t expect the coach to wait around so that you can look for a better opportunity.