Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Not the same person, sorry. There are way more than one person outraged that Express condones racist remarks from members. Not that hard to do the right thing! But you are the same person who thinks if you tell people to stop standing up for human rights that we will listen. You want the comments to stop, yet you keep commenting? Not the sharpest!

That was my first comment. My second one is a question. You act like you know the full circumstances. Do you have first hand knowledge (Were you there to witness this)? I'll answer that, no you weren't. Don't preach human rights to me.

Didn’t have to be there. Twitter blew up with the details including a picture of the bigot after her rant, and the statement from the victims. I guess they made it all up? We’re you there? Let’s here your version and then tell me why nobody believes it.

"Didn't have to be there". You are the worst type of person, Intolerant, judgmental, and oh so easily offended. "The victims", really "the victims", "Bigot", "Rant".... Give it a rest already. Correct me if I am wrong but was't this all about some kids being asked to move from a table that was not assigned to them? Is that what caused all of this? What exactly was said or done that would indicate that there was racism involved?

Were people in fact sitting at a table that was reserved for others?

Did the individuals who were sitting at the table not have a table reserved for them as well?

Were the tables reserved for the players only (not parents)?

Were there adults sitting at a table that was reserved for players?

What specifically was said? Please don't throw the term "racist rant" around if you do not have details.

It sounds to me that there was a disagreement and a verbal confrontation that some have tried to blow up into something more than it is.

How about this, get over it. Teach your kids to learn to deal with all situations and not to be "offended" every time someone says something or does something that they do not like or that they disagree with.

I have not read a single post detailing the specifics of exactly what happened, just the usual nonsense... "she went on a racist rant" and for the most part that has been stated by people who were not there or those who were not in close proximity to the table in question.