Originally Posted by Anonymous
Are there express parents that witnessed this? I saw a Video from a Regulators parent and the Express mom really seems controlled and was explaining the table and there was other women trying to insult her. They were not irate as if they were severely insulted. Just curious what the real truth is and the video made me severely doubt it was true

Exactly. The truth is somewhere in between. It didn’t start off negative and the women from express wasn’t yelling and screaming at them. She asked them to leave the table so the express kids could eat. Things spiraled out of control when the parents sitting at the table refused to leave the table. Things were said that were taken the wrong way. “You don’t belong here” was in reference to sitting at the wrong table not they didn’t belong at the WS. Other things were said. Things did get a little heated. But this whole thing has been blown up to something it is not.
My feeling is that the person who keeps posting wanting an apology was not even there. If they were, they would know the real story and it would be a non story