It’s not creepy at all. He is an extremely reputable extremely wrathful alum who is a CEO of a large US corporation, not local, who chooses to donate a sum of money ear marked to the school for a specific reason . My daughters was ear marked for any female student athlete with the academic ability to be granted the scholarship with the stipulation that she maintain a certain GPA throughout here time at the school and that she met with him once a semester to discuss her future aspirations . I really think he just wanted to see she wasn’t some pieced tattooed freak!!
To the guy who said it’s creepy you have issues. It’s the best thing that ever happened to her and our family. Now my sons at the same boarding school and hopes to follow his sister to the Ivies and to hopefully make seven figures like her. I still maintain my [ChillLaxin] blue collar job like everyone else on this forum who’s complaining about these evil club leaders. They are the ones who help you find out what’s available for your young student athlete. I want my kids to have a better life then I had academically and financially