Originally Posted by Anonymous
Someone asked if more kids from Mad Dog arrived before Tuesday’s Naptown games. Based upon my Tuesday morning sideline conversations with Mad Dog parents the answer is yes they did. They explained a handful of 25 kids flew in Tuesday ahead of wsyl. Folks were very open about makeup of team. Team was about an equal mix of 25’s and 26’s. Three of the players were 15. All this being said, this is the landscape all 26 teams will be facing from now to senior year high school. It also explains the “if you can’t beat um, join um” spirit of many clubs.

Same thing with stealth with a bunch of 25s/WSYL U14 playing on the 26 team. No matter and the Hawks game with Maddog was great and hard fought. Shadiness is common and I don’t think this loss says much about the Hawks. Going to be interesting at NLF with teams pushing the ethical envelope to get an advantage.