Originally Posted by Anonymous
The Turtles are going to NYLA not just to get experience but to win and hopefully embarass a few older teams. If they can do that, it will surely put many of those boys on the "recruiting board". And I bet the turtles will have the biggest crowds of any games just because of the curiosity factor from coaches and parents. The buzz about the Turtles will be deafening by game time tomorrow. If you haven't seen them play and you'll be at NYLA, stop by and be amazed.
BOTC would like to offer a thought on this post. Perhaps we are taking the words too literally, but heading into summer tournament months, some words of advice.

The very best youth teams - lacrosse, soccer, baseball, softball, basketball, football - are noteworthy for their skills, their work ethic, and the teamwork.

These three combine to create winning records, great competitive moments, and occasionally championships.

These three further combine to open doors to opportunities both at the scholastic and collegiate levels.

Recruiting opportunities come after all of these other elements from bottom to top are in place.

Truly great teams never compete to embarrass an opponent. Truly great teams are not playing for the audience attracted, but for themselves and their teammates. Truly great teams push themselves from inside the organization, not from an external stimulus.

Think about it.