Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
What is the breakdown of kids from Next Level, BLC and VLC for Black Ops. NxtLevl should have the least amount of kids on the team. Is it 10 BLC, 10 VLC and 5 NxtL?

Nice try, Daddy Ball.

Heard that the Blackops U13 tryout was a sham as they already knew who they wanted on that team. Also, heard the 2026 BLC/DC Express Coach is in cahoots with the parents (current goalie Dad and Co.) that set up the All-in team.

Rumor has it they just added another player from True Annapolis (part of the all-in team connection) to the 2026 BLC team and the Dad (who was the previous coach) was part of the reason for the demise of the 2026 API/Diamondback as he took most of the kids to True Annapolis.