Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Coaches Poll - March 8, 2021

1 - North Carolina
2 - Syracuse
3 - Northwestern
4 - Notre Dame
5 - Florida
6 - Stony Brook
7 - Penn State
8 - Virginia
9 - Maryland
10 - Boston College
11 - Duke
12 - Towson
13 - Virginia Tech
14 - Loyola Maryland
15 - Michigan
16 - Rutgers
17 - Richmond
18 - Navy
19 - Louisville
20 - Southern California
21 - Stanford
22 - Denver
23 - James Madison
24 - Drexel
25 - Elon
RV - Johns Hopkins
RV - Ohio State
RV - Colorado

Top 5 look good.
Stony Brook should not be Top 10. Stony Brook at 6 is a Joke.
Duke, Towson and Loyola should not be Top 15.
No need to Rank Top 25. Stick to the Top 20.

Other than Penn State I dont think you can make a case for any other team to be put ahead of SBU. I would move UVA down to 11 .Other than that it looks pretty good.

Disagree, might even put Virginia ahead of Stony Brook.

After UVA loses by at least a touchdown to BC who SBU has clearly outplayed against common opponents will you come back on .

Just curious, what has Stony Brook ever done? They beat up on their conference foes , they do OK vs other Top 20 teams, they are below .500 Vs Top 10 teams, they have won exactly 1 game ever Vs a Top 5 Team and they have done nothing in the NCAA Tournament. Has history not taught us anything? Stony Brook is overrated just about every year and NCAA tournament history usually shows it.