Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Don't have a kid in the Fallston program, thankfully. That whole scenario was crazy.

One goalie bails, everyone else gets happy feet.
They literally took the ENTIRE AA Fallston team and moved it to Koopers.
Same exact kids, same exact coaching, further drive for families, less field time.
So those parents are now paying 2k extra for the EXACT same product, (possibly worse).
The only difference is the uniform...and Klausner now gets a taste.
It’s all about the uniform, don’t you know this?

As a community-based team, one that had grown it the right way, that saw some success, I thought Fallston was well-run enough, and their parents loyal enough to avoid the lure of overpriced, for-profit bs.
Goes to show you what a few, "grass is greener" parents can do.
But hey, they can do what they want with their money.
There will always be a for-profit club willing to absorb a community team or "add another team" for a buck, and to keep the lights on...for another month.