Originally Posted by Anonymous
Since Hawks is considered #1 in at least Md; what team has the best chance to overthrow them during the Spring Session? Madlax, Crabs, Looney's, BLC, FCA or Team 91? And why?

Hawks Dad....Why ask this question. We all know..your team is the greatest team ever assembled. NO ONE can beat the Hawks. Is this what you are looking for?

I never understood the desire to be on a dominating team...just to be on the dominating team.

Who has ever enjoyed watching or winning a game when one team dominates the other? No one!

Conversely, the greatest games celebrated are when an underdog wins or when two teams are in an all out grudge match to win...and even sometimes when a team loses and can still walk away with heads held high knowing they played their best.

It’s even better when the players and parents of this team are like family, enjoying great competition, and building great memories along the journey.