Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Did St. Pauls only have 1 D1 commitment? Most public schools have 1 D1 commitment. I would think that half the roster and any major MIAA school would go D1.

Did the SP football team lose by 50 to Loyola who lost to Spalding by 50?

Also that St. Francis show really makes the MIAA schools look petty.

You clearly know nothing about the situation if you actually think that about SFA. Anyone who thinks the MIAA schools are petty for not playing Biff and his paid for East Coast all start team are crazy. Biff wasn’t playing by the rules and just used “racism” as an excuse and to draw attention to his team to feed his ego, and it’s clearly worked.

Gilman and McDonogh weren't innocent. They also share the blame to what lead to what is going on at SFA but that's a story for another board.