Yeah, Pretty sure none of the coaches or any Dad’s who actually played the game at a high level are on these forums![/quote]

I have seen a lot of posts explaining how playing against hold backs makes players get better and how this would prepare kids for HS lacrosse when they would play against kids several years older. So if that is the true, it makes total sense that the Hawks should play up. How can the Hawks players prepare for HS competition when they always play against weaker and smaller opponents? It's great that they win all of their games but at what cost? Are we witnessing a train wreck come HS?[/quote]

Okay, you convinced them. They are going to play 2025 this Spring and PLL in the Summer. Now please go away. You make them out to me some kind of Gods. You look like a fanboy![/quote]

I agree with 2025 makes sense to me.[/quote]

What team does your son play for?