Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
What did the coach say? Did he look at you like you were from outer space? Or did he look at you like "Finally, one of these dopes finally said it" ? Either way, applause to you. Most people on these boards post about the dangers and then run to practice and meaningless tournamemts afterwards frown Those people may actually be worse than the yo yo's that actually believe its a safe environment to begin with. frown

Going to be 100* today, practice scheduled for the middle of the afternoon and tomorrow, in prep for a tournament. Just emailed the coach to tell him count us out for the remainder of the season. Heading to VT for a few weeks.

Well make sure you keep little Sam/Samantha nice and cool. Provide a nice cold drink and make them a sandwich. Get extra batteries for their game boy. And go hide in your basement.