Originally Posted by Anonymous
As an Express parent aren't families tired of having a constant influx of new players showing up to tournament and practice. New teams being formed. Doesn't this offend your sensibilities. Your child made a team at tryout and you were told he would be on a, b, c, or d. Now tournaments are here new kids showing up and getting playing time over your child. Are you ok with this. As a parent I am not. It's too late to leave because all teams have been formed that you were asked to play with. Don't want to be on the outside looking in. Is this the norm.

Unfortunately, if your son is not on the A team, it is. For this reason we passed on Express B some time ago.

Later that same summer the club my son did join played the Express team he would have been on. I never saw so many kids on the sideline waiting to get in. Probably 28 kids total. The team was good, but playing time had to be an issue (especially for the money).